Sites I Like: Sites that I have come across on my journey across the web

//Part 1 of however many I need, probably only one.

So the idea behind this page is to capture what I can regarding sites I like. While bookmarks are handy and dandy, I feel as though sharing is key part of the internet. Not in the sense that it's broadcast, but in the way that others can digest it at whatever speed they like.

Some of the sites might be because I like they way they look, or because of the information they have on them. I aim to not link to mainstream pages, obviously, there'll be some. I can only hope that the pages stay up for others to view and enjoy.


Harmony Hills (

This is a cool site, applications are currently closed (bummer), but it appears to be a role-playing group. Not sure if it's something I would be entirely interesting in playing along (I got a few things going on at the moment, so more commitments might stretch me a bit thin).

I'm a little surprised there's not more of these sorts of things going on... or perhaps there is, and I'm just oblivious to it (highly-likely).


VHS Overdrive (

So, it came up on HN1 and the comments were an interesting read, it's up to you to make up your own mind on how you feel about it all. Me personally? The site is nice to read and view, sure it's not "Web 1.0" as it used to be, it's leveraging some of the nicer technologies we have.

The article/essay that's linked2 is an interesting read, I can see why the author relishes the early days of the internet.


Heavenfaced (

I was looking at the activity feed of neocities3, and this one came up. I like the colours, the writer feels really genuine. The word-wall is a really interesting concept. It's like, just writing for the sake of writing, to get your thoughts out there, unsure if anyone else would read them. But you don't care, it's not for anyone else, it'd done for you. It's cathartic.

High-school me would have made something like this, perhaps it would have helped me through those years. I hope they do well, and I wish them well.

Update: 2022-05-08 Reading through some of their updates, it's tough. I was there decades ago. I think now if anything it's harder than I had it.


KakaTekel (

It's a nice site, the author wants to do some self hosting, which is pretty cool. I had a sus of their public git repos (not like, full in-depth, just a gleem), it's interesting what other people write.

I find it amusing that the author wrote about the api clients being a bit much, which I can understand, but then they write stév... go figure.

Not having a go at the author, but it's interesting how we go about things. I can't talk, I replaced pelican/hugo with building my own.

  1. 2022-04-15

  2. 2022-04-15

  3. Which does take a bit of time to load, dunno if there's any caching or what-not being done.