

I read books on occasion and listen to a lot of music, I like games and making things.

I know enough about things to get myself into trouble, and most of the time just enough foresight to keep myself out of trouble.

This website is a little hobby of mine, to encourage myself to write more and get my thoughts out/vent my frustrations. I know there's an r/vent, but I'm not wanting to engage with others, just get things off my chest.

Things for my home/personal wiki may be posted here if I think it could be of use to someone else.

About the site

This is my hobby site, everything is statically generated from a bunch of very jank PHP I wrote. I'm trying to avoid using JS as much as possible. This site should be viewable on most devices (though I have not tested). Some pages will require JS to function, but they'll be clearly explained, and honestly, they should have the formulae on/in them so you could always take the information away with you.

Feel free to reference things on this site but don't quote me on anything1, we all know you can put anything onto the internet. Case in point being this site. If what I have posted angers you, or frustrates you because you think I am wrong2, then read this instead.

Why is your site like this?

I just wanted it to be simple3, not a lot of faff going on. Ideally the site is written in such a way that I can change the way it looks with a reasonable amount of ease.

  1. I mean, you can, you have my permission. Just don't expect it to be here forever.

  2. Most of the writing here is utter non-sense. Only a fool would take it honestly.

  3. Unlike the build process...